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Pathamawan Sathaporn

Pathamawan Sathaporn

CEO GroupM Thailand and President of Media Agency Association of Thailand

What moves the needle from being a brand to being a Superbrand? Is it the difference in the branding efforts, of having market dominance and high customer loyalty ie. branding does this but Superbrands does more? Perhaps so. And in the age where humans continue to be the forefront at building Superbrands, Superbrands can also be built faster, and perhaps even better when technology is at play. Case in point with asking Chat GPT what is a ‘Superbrand’. Here’s what is revealed…

“The term “Superbrand” is not a formal marketing or branding classification but rather a descriptive term used to denote brands that have risen above their competitors in terms of visibility, customer trust, and market presence. These brands are usually well-established and have successfully created a strong emotional connection with their target audience. Being recognised as a Superbrand can provide a competitive advantage, as it implies a high level of quality and trustworthiness to consumers. However, achieving Superbrand status requires consistent and exceptional branding efforts, product or service quality, and a deep understanding of consumer needs and preferences”.

I, the human, couldn’t agree more. Congratulations to all the Superbrands, and hope technology comes into play in creating your Superbrands.

Jiravara Virayavardhana

Jiravara Virayavardhana

Chief Executive, Ogilvy Thailand

To overcome the furious tides of change, a Superbrand must consider doing business in a much more sustainable way. A Superbrand for the future is a brand committed to create impact not just for their own performance but for the people and the planet as well. Apart from brand and business gains, what we do must contribute to the greater good for our employees and consumers, our community and society, and the world we live in. As clients’ trusted partner for growth, Ogilvy was tasked with the elusive mission of seizing and creating new opportunities despite the decline in the marketplace. Thanks to our sustainable business approach, what we delivered for our clients was much more than growth numbers, but broader forms of lasting impact.

Jirapat Kanchanosot

Jirapat Kanchanosot

Chief Executive Officer Spa-Hakuhodo

Marketing Solutions and Marketing Technology Tools

Within the past recent years, the science of marketing has changed drastically; the ways we connect with our consumers have blossomed into different communicative means imaginable. The growth has sprout to answer to the changes in our consumer behaviours, requiring marketers and advertisers to come up with new marketing solutions to bridge the gap seamlessly and satisfactorily. To keep up with the fast-changing dynamism of the consumer, our industry has embraced the development of marketing technology tools to strengthen data collection, analytical skills, leads follow-up to closing sales to elevate customer lifetime value with brands. MarTech has become a vital integral part in the world of marketing and advertising, but what’s more riveting is the fact that MarTech alone will not survive a generation of mercurial and evolving consumers without the knowledge of their developers.
As marketers and advertisers, we must stay ahead of MarTech, it’s key that we know how to use them and not be overwhelmed by their existence. With the cornerstone belief in our ‘Living consumers’ at Hakuhodo Group, utilising human comprehension, real experiences, and analytical skills by our people to capitalise on the use of AI to deliver the right marketing solutions are most quintessential. To maximise this new era of communication, we need to remember not only the new tools that we have in our pockets, but to invest in the people who can make their usage practical for brands, cultivating, decoding, and executing on these data to offer the best possible marketing solutions for brands to excel.

Charn Srivikorn

Charn Srivikorn

Chairman | Gaysorn Land Asset Management Co., Ltd.

A Superbrand never knows the word ‘best’, it only knows the word ‘better.’ A Superbrand believes nothing is the best and it needs improvement from time to time while retaining its core personality. Every single complaint and compliment from customers counts for a Superbrand as they are the key to success and their perception toward the brand defines what the brand really is. What’s the most important for a Superbrand is to gain positive perception that exceeds the portrayed brand personality.
The significant challenge for a Superbrand is to maintain its top-of-mind position in this fast-moving market. Thus, a Superbrand does not compete but it offers differentiation or something that never exists in the market before to always stay in the frontline.

Tharaputh Charuvatana, Ph.D

Tharaputh Charuvatana, Ph.D

Group CEO of IPG Mediabrands Thailand

Receiving a Superbrands Award isn’t just an accolade; it’s a testament to the relentless dedication, unwavering commitment, and outstanding quality that define the brands’ excellency across the industry. It’s a remarkable reminder that we’re not just building products or services; we’re transforming and shaping enduring legacies in the hearts and minds of our customers, setting the bar for excellence, and creating new value standard for our beloved industries, and ultimately for our beloved customers.

Danai Chanchaochai, Ph.D

Danai Chanchaochai, Ph.D

Chief Advisor DC Consultant and Marketing Communication Ltd.

A marketing guru once said: The world is driven by emotions. Therefore, consumers the world over are driven by love, passion, and faith powered by the Superbrands. However, the single most important success factor of becoming a Superbrand is through the speed of trust and the sustainability of that trust. Without trust, nothing can happen.
All Superbrands have elevated far beyond the stage of Brand Love to the higher level of Brand Faith. Therefore it is pivotal for all Superbrands to protect this emotional bonding at all costs. When trust is broken, through consumer’s moment of truth which differs from brand promise and expectation, it is most difficult to regain.
Trust is the very soul of a Superbrand. And above all, Superbrand does not only excel in its business category, but will always strive to inspire others and make the whole world a better place to live.
That is the true beauty and the power of a Superbrand!

Champagne Thiankhwae

Champagne Thiankhwae

Country Director Superbrands Thailand

Throughout the current pandemic, brands have faced greater challenges in order to survive and be successful in these dark days. The pandemic has seen customers’ buying habits change, customers are now making more purchases online which means that many purchases are for goods or services that the customer has no prior knowledge of and that makes branding even more important to allow customers to buy with confidence. Seeing the Superbrands Award Seal on a product means decision making is easier for customers as they can be certain that any product or service bearing that seal is one that they can trust and is good quality. Superbrands is a global arbiter of excellence in branding and is present in over 92 markets across the world making it the most trusted name in branding.{/gspeech}